Even if you live on a strict budget and do what you can to reduce expenses, extenuating circumstances may make it necessary for you to seek out financing to make it to your next payday without getting behind on bill payments or other immediate expenses. Do you have mounting medical bills due to a recent diagnosis? Or unexpected car problems that need to be addressed so you can have a way to get to work? Perhaps you have caregiver or family responsibilities that have prevented you from working enough hours to cover all your expenses. Regardless of the reason, sudden financial challenges can eat away your budget until it resembles a slice of Swiss cheese. In this case, you’ll probably need a helping hand to dig yourself out of a financial pitfall. If this sounds like your situation, Eastern Loans is here to help with their various fast loan options.
How can I apply?
Fill out the simple online application form here. You’ll need to enter your contact information, social insurance number, employment information and provide a personal reference. Before doing so, you’ll want to verify that you meet their eligibility requirements, which you can read on their FAQ page. To take advantage of their fast approval process, you’ll need to be a Canadian citizen, have a steady income (minimum $1200/month), and fulfill a few other requirements such as having a Canadian bank account. Did you know that applications are processed within an hour? In fact, depending on the time of day that you submit your application, you could get your direct deposit on the very same day.
What supporting documents will I need?
Besides filling out the application form, you will need to provide photocopies of several basic documents, such as a piece of photo ID, a void cheque and a bank statement listing your transactions over the past 30 days. You’ll also need to submit a copy of your last pay slip. These can be submitted via email, fax or your smart phone. You can make their fast approval process even faster by having all of these documents on hand when you apply. This will ensure the process goes smoothly and quickly.
How do I know if this is really for me?
No credit history? Does your credit score make you wince? No worries here – this is where a payday loan may come in handy for you. Get fast approval on a payday loan from Eastern Loans. They offer various options ranging from $500 to $1000. If you have a steady job and are still struggling financially, this could help you stabilize your finances enough to keep from falling into a sinkhole. A payday loan from Eastern Loans is a secure, fast loan meant to support your short-term financial needs.
How does loan repayment work?
With weekly, bi-weekly or monthly repayment schedules, there is bound to be a payday loan option that meets your needs. Repayment can be spread out in 3, 6 or 12 instalments over a period of three months. However, this will depend on how often you are paid by your employer. Repaying in larger instalments will help you pay back your loan faster, all while saving on interest. You can even renew your loan if needed, as long as you’re within two weeks of your loan repayment deadline. To renew, fill out their online form here or call the number below.
Interested in a fast loan, but still have questions? Call Eastern Loans toll-free at (855) 223-9313 to speak with one of our agents today. You can also send your inquiries to info@easternloans.com.