Go Green

Go Green And Save Yourself Some Cash At The Same Time

You want to save the planet, however, you just looked at the price of a Hydroflask and cringed. Wish you could switch, but it seems too difficult and expensive? Here are a couple of helpful ways to go green, and save yourself some of that hard earned cash!


The first, and easiest way to help the environment (and your health!) is by walking, biking, and taking the bus when you can. It may not always be convenient, but it’s MUCH cheaper and much better for the environment than taking your car. Try using your car to get to work, and to do groceries, but taking the bus or walking for smaller excursions. You’d be surprised what a little fresh air will do for you. You’ll also save a ton on gas!


Buy yourself some wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets. Not only will the wool balls dry your clothes faster, you’ll save on your energy bill! They are also all natural, and not loaded with chemicals like dryer sheets. An easy, and affordable switch! Sign me up!

House Cleaning

If you buy Swiffer pads, DON’T! Save yourself some money on those expensive refills, and use a sock. Yes, you read that correctly, a sock. If you find a mismatched sock, just slide it over the Swiffer, and sweep or mop with it. It works just as well, and with much less waste. Or make your own reusable cleaning pads with old drying towels. Cut them to size, and tuck them in. Just throw them in the wash when you’re done and Voila!


If you love your morning Starbucks, and want to help the earth, buy their $2 reusable cup! It may cost $2 now, but you’ll get a 10 cent discount every time you use it! Other cafes also tend to charge you less if you bring in your own mug. If you think going to a cafe is too pricey, and want to go green at home, check out the kind of K-cups you’re buying. Nowadays many K-cups and similar pods are made in recyclable, or even compost ready pods! An easy switch for you to make next time you go grocery shopping. If even that is too pricey, you can buy a reusable K-cup pod. Look at you having your morning brew while starting your day on the right foot.
Going green has never been so easy! Go save the planet, you awesome person!


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